1. CrossFit exercises
  2. Strength exercises
  3. Push-ups

Push-ups: Strength Exercises Explained

This comprehensive guide covers all aspects of push-ups, a great strength exercise. Learn how to do push-ups correctly and the potential benefits of this exercise.

Push-ups: Strength Exercises Explained

Push-ups are an integral part of any strength training program and can be used to build muscle, increase strength, and improve overall physical fitness. But what exactly are push-ups and how can you get the most out of them? In this article, we'll explain the basics of push-ups, including the correct form, benefits, and different variations. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned athlete, we'll provide everything you need to know about push-ups and how to get the most out of them.


are one of the most popular and effective strength exercises for building upper body and core strength. This article covers all aspects of doing push-ups correctly, as well as the potential benefits of this exercise.

The most important aspect of performing push-ups is to ensure proper form. Start by lying face down on the floor with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and arms straight. Push up until your arms are fully extended, then lower back down to the starting position. Your body should remain straight throughout the entire movement.

It's important to keep your elbows close to your body when pushing up and resist the urge to flare them outwards. To make push-ups more challenging, you can add weight or use an elevated surface like a bench or stair. Push-ups are a great way to build upper body strength and target several muscle groups at once, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Doing push-ups regularly can help improve posture and balance, as well as reduce back pain. Additionally, push-ups are a great way to burn calories and develop a leaner physique.

However, it's important to note that push-ups can also be difficult for those with poor upper body strength or limited range of motion in the shoulders or wrists. If you find that you are struggling with regular push-ups, you may want to start with modified versions such as incline or wall push-ups. Once you have mastered the basics of doing push-ups correctly, there are several variations you can try to make them more challenging and mix up your routine. These include decline push-ups, single arm push-ups, plyometric push-ups, and more.

Regardless of which variation you choose, it's important to listen to your body and only do what you can safely handle. If you experience any pain or discomfort during a push-up routine, stop immediately and consult with a medical professional.

How To Do Push-Ups Correctly

Push-ups are one of the most popular and effective strength exercises for building upper body and core strength. To do a basic push-up correctly, start by lying face down on the floor with your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart and arms straight. Be sure to keep your elbows close to your body and resist the urge to flare them outwards.

This will ensure you get the most out of your push-ups and help prevent injury. Additionally, ensure that your back remains straight throughout the exercise and that your core is engaged. If you find it difficult to do a full push-up, start by doing them on your knees rather than with your feet on the ground. This will make it easier to perform the exercise correctly.

Push-ups are a great way to build strength in your arms, chest, shoulders, and core. They also help improve posture, balance, and coordination. Additionally, they can help improve cardiovascular health and burn calories. If you're looking for a challenging full-body workout that you can do at home or at the gym, push-ups are a great way to go.

With practice and proper form, you'll be able to progress quickly and reap all the benefits of this exercise.

Modified Versions Of Push-Ups

If regular push-ups prove too difficult, there are several modified versions you can try such as incline or wall push-ups. Once you have mastered these basics, there are several variations you can explore, such as decline push-ups, single arm push-ups, plyometric push-ups, and more. Incline push-ups are a great way to build strength in your upper body and core while helping to protect your joints. To do an incline push-up, start in a high plank position with your hands placed on a sturdy surface like a bench or a wall.

Then, lower your body towards the surface and press back up. Wall push-ups are another variation that can help build upper body and core strength. To do this exercise, stand facing a wall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms flat against the wall and lower your body until your arms form a 90-degree angle.

Then, press back up and repeat. Decline push-ups are an excellent way to increase the intensity of your push-up routine. To do this variation, start in a high plank position with your feet elevated on a sturdy surface like a bench or a box. Single arm push-ups are a great way to challenge yourself further.

This exercise is done by starting in the high plank position with one arm tucked under your body. Then, lower your body towards the ground and press back up with just one arm. Finally, plyometric push-ups are an advanced variation that combines strength training with explosive movements. To perform this exercise, start in the high plank position with your feet slightly wider than usual. Then, lower your body towards the ground and immediately press back up with enough force to lift both hands off the ground.

Potential Benefits Of Push-Ups

Push-ups are an incredibly effective exercise for building upper body and core strength. This bodyweight exercise works several muscle groups at once, including the chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Incorporating push-ups into your workout routine can have many potential benefits, such as improved posture and balance, increased calorie burn, and reduced back pain. Doing push-ups regularly can help improve your posture and balance, as it strengthens and tones the muscles in the upper body. This can help reduce back pain and improve your overall posture.

Additionally, push-ups are a great way to burn calories and help you achieve a leaner physique. Depending on your size and the intensity of the push-ups, you can burn up to 8 calories per minute. Incorporating push-ups into your regular exercise routine can provide a variety of benefits for your physical health. Not only will you gain strength and tone muscles in your upper body, but you will also improve your balance and posture while burning calories. Push-ups are one of the most popular and effective strength exercises for building upper body and core strength. This article has covered all aspects of doing push-ups correctly, as well as the potential benefits of this exercise.

It's important to listen to your body when doing any type of exercise and only do what you can safely handle. Modified versions of push-ups can be used for those who are just starting out or need an easier form of the exercise. Regular practice of push-ups can help improve strength, flexibility, and posture.